1. What is the caution about?
A. The volcanoes and their effect
B. The danger of volcanic fumes
C. The women and their children’s health.
D. The pregnant visitors of the mountain.

• Kunci jawaban: B
• Pembahasan:
Dari kata-kata dalam caution seperti hazardous, life-threatening, avoid dapat diketahui bahwa text ini tentang bahaya dari gunung api dimana caution itu dipasang. Hal yang membahayakan itu berasal dari fumes (asap atau gas )yang berbahaya ( hazardous )
2. Visitors with breathing problems are not allowed to visit the area because …
A. the fumes can make them difficult to breathe
B. the fumes can enter the human’s lung
C. it is very tiring to climb the volcano
D. certain people cannot breathe well
• Kunci jawaban: A
• Pembahasan:
Breathing problems dalam soal ini maksudnya orang yang menderita penyakit terkait dengan pernafasan seperti asma. Bagi orang-orang seperti ini menghirup bau yang ditimbulkan gunung api seperti bau blerang bisa membuat mereka tidak mampu bernafas secara wajar bahkan susah bernafas dan efek selanjutnya bisa menimbulkan kematian.

3. Where do you usually find such a caution?
A. At all public places with non domestic visitors
B. Any places visited by tourists.
C. On all the mountains with few visitors
D. At the volcanoes for tourist resorts
• Kunci jawaban: D
• Pembahasan:
Pertanyaan menanyakan informasi tersirat. Dari clue berupa kata seperti volcanic, bisa disimpulkan bahwa caution seperti ini biasa dijumpai di gunung api-gunung api khususnya yang juga berfungsi sebagai tempat wisata.

4. “…. are hazardous to your health ..”
What does the underlined word in the sentence mean?
A. Dreadful.
B. Dangerous.
C. Uneasy.
D. Serious.
• Kunci jawaban: B
• Pembahasan:
Berdasarkan konteks kalimat atau kata-kata lain seperti health=kesehatan, life-threatening= mengancam kehidupan, dan avoid= menghindari, bisa dipastikan bahwa makna kata hazardous sama dengan dangerous, bukan yang lain-lainnya.
Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6.

Dear Kartika
Our sincere Congratulations on your success as The Best Washington City Journalist 2009.
This will support you to write more articles.
The manager and staff of
Moonlight Publisher

5. What does Kartika do? She is a …
A. staff
B. manager
C. journalist
D. publisher
• Kunci jawaban : C
• Pembahasan :
Pada teks greeting card di atas ditujukan untuk Kartika dalam rangka sebagai “The best Washington city journalist..”, maka pekerjaan Kartika adalah sebagai seorang jurnalis.

6. The text is written in order to …
A. congratulate Kartika on her success.
B. inform people about the best journalist.
C. tell people to congratulate Kartika.
D. invite people to come to the Moonlight publisher.
• Kunci jawaban : A
• Pembahasan :
Teks di atas untuk mengucapkan selamat pada Kartika atas keberhasilannya sebagai journalist terbaik. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada kalimat “ Congratulations on your success as The Best Washington City Journalist 2009.”

Read the text and answer questions 7 to 9.

It was Sunday morning December 26th 2004. The day that I would never forget forever. We went to the beach in Meulaboh, Aceh. Many people were there when I arrived.
When we were enjoying the beautiful sunrise, suddenly we were shocked by a violent shake in the ground. Everybody in the beach was panic. We soon realized that it was a very big earthquake although it struck in a very short period of time.
After that, we saw the water going on into the middle of the sea. No wonder if there were many kinds of fish left behind on the sand. We all seemed to be astonished by the view until we realized that there was a huge wave coming towards us and destroying everything in its way.
I didn’t realize what had happened until I found myself hanging on a branch of a tree.

7. The text mainly discusses …
A. the story about terrible a earthquake
B. the writer’s experience with a big earthquake
C. the steps to avoid danger in your life
D. the description of a beach in Meulaboh
• Kunci jawaban: B
• Pembahasan:
Teks di atas adalah teks recount yang menceritakan pengalaman seseorang, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah b.

8. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The writer saw many fish on the sand.
B. The view of the beach was very exciting.
C. The writer liked to see the wave in the sea.
D. Tsunami occurred and destroyed everything.
• Kunci jawaban: D
• Pembahasan:
Pikiran utama pada paragraph ketiga cluenya secara tersurat pada kalimat terakhir, terjadinya tsunami yang menghancurkan segala-galanya.

8. Everybody in the beach was panic because …
A. the sun rose brightly
B. there was an earthquake
C. the beach was very enjoyable.
D. there was an amazing view in the sea.
• Kunci jawaban: B
• Pembahasan:
Pada teks di atas dijelaskan orang-orang panic pada kalimat ke 2 dan ke 3. ‘Everybody in the beach was panic. We soon realized that it was a very big earthquake’.

9. “We all seemed to be astonished by … .”
The underlined word has the same meaning with …
A. panicked
B. amazed
C. delighted
D. pleased
• Kunci jawaban: B
• Pembahasan:
Makna ‘astonished’ pada teks di atas sama artinya dengan amazed, hal ini dapat dibaca dari konteksnya pada kalimat ‘until we realized that there was a huge wave coming towards us and destroying everything in its way’. Maka makna yang tepat adalah b.

Read the letter below to answer questions 10 to 14.

Dear Nan,
We are having a great a holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the Movie World.
When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the cloud disappeared. And it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to the Movie World.
The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show. After that I had lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the Batman ride.
About one o’clock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. We then went on all the other rides.
It was a top day. See you when you get back.

• Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan gambaran umum.
• Indikator : Disajikan satu teks berbentuk LETTER, siswa dapat menentukan gambaran umum teks tersebut
• Soal :
What is the letter about?
A. Sam’s holiday.
B. The Gold Coast.
C. The Movie World.
D. The Shower of Rain.
• Kunci Jawaban : A
• Pembahasan
Surat di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa surat tersebut tentang Liburan Sam

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